Video Player
for iPad

Split, Combine, Loop, Organize

Download on the App Store

1. Create clips

Just pick the start & end

2. Create playlists

Move up/down, pick loop count, copy, paste, undo

3. Watch gapless playback

Even playlists with clips from different files

Quickly trim
& add effects

Flip, rotate, zoom, volume, playback speed

Continue watching

Jump back into files, clips, and playlists from the home screen

Loop a clip or entire playlist forever

Shuffle, change speed, pick custom thumbnails, add bookmarks

Get Support,
Send Feedback

Twitter: DMs are open.Email: look for the address in the app's Settings screen on the Support tab.

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Privacy Policy

Privacy ApproachOur approach to your privacy while using this app has two parts:1. Only collect anonymous data.
2. Minimize the frequency and types of data collected.
Minimize Data CollectionWe collect anonymous data:1. If the app crashes (closes unexpectedly on its own) due to a technical problem.
2. If the app encounters a technical problem related to subscription purchasing or management.
3. About how the app is used, such as feature popularity, in order to make decisions about future changes to app.
4. About subscription details such as (purchase/renewal) dates and types (annual/monthly). (We do not have access to your payment information.)
The details we collect in all cases are limited to those which assist us in fixing defects, improving functionality in a data-informed way, reviewing our subscription sales metrics, or providing support if you optionally request it. We do not share or sell the data.Personal Identifiable Information (PII)The only way we can access information about your personal identity is if you optionally contact us, e.g. for support, through our email or social media accounts. But the information is limited to what you directly include in the message, such as your name, email address, or social media account username.There are several important things to note about the above scenario:+ Again, the only PII we collect is limited to the information directly in the message itself.
+ All information you share with us through a support channel is only collected in order to provide the support you request.
+ If you would like to contact us for support, but are concerned about revealing PII, we encourage you to use an email or social media account which does not reveal your personal identity.
If you optionally copy/paste subscription support details provided to you by the app, into a message us, they only include anonymous identifiers and dates (e.g. purchase and expiration). Those details can assist us in reviewing the history of the subscription to understand the cause of the problem, but they do not allow us to identify you beyond the PII explicitly included in your message.Third-party Data CollectionIt is important to know that we use two third-party services in order to the collect all of the anonymous data mentioned earlier.1. for collecting anonymous data regarding app crashes, technical problems related to subscriptions to the app, and feature usage.
2. for using the Apple App Store to process and manage app subscriptions.
When using both services, the data is not linked to your identity.Changes2023-8-14: Initial version.

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